Deeper Under

Me, myself and why.


living high and a little lower too

In the last 30 hours I've been home about two hours. Yesterday I woke up at 12am still tired and in two hours I had left for the Restaurant Day that was on around the world. I had plans on checking the day out with my friend Lara, and oh we found a lot of things - and nothing.

First of all, I ate my first ever cake pop and loved it. White chocolate topping and coconut-something filling, uh! Then we moved on to a chili pop-up restaurant, which we did not find right away. I ate some chili con carne and took a chili cacao that was über-spicy.

Then on we were supposed to go grab some veggie burgers from Sörkkä, from Animalia but they were all gone. As a plan B we headed over to Kumpula where should have been a fish and chips pop-up of some sort but we took a bus to the wrong address AND as a cherry on the cake we drove past the bus stop we should have got off on. As we realized that there was no fish and chips at the location we decided to try the nearby sushi pop-up thats keepers told us they had no sushi anymore. Yippii! My friend had got nothing to eat. We took a bus to the Central Railway Station where Heli joined us. We found out that there were no baguettes anymore at Iso-Roba so we failed ourselves and stepped into McDonalds.

Lara left and me and Heli headed via my place to Vuosaari to our mutual friend to have a chill night with some other friends. Me and my friend got make-upped by the girls and me and friends tried freaking two friends out in the cellar. Did. Not. Work. Haha. I have slept four hours but I do not feel tired yet.

Today should have been a studio night but we moved it till tomorrow. Tomorrow I have also plans on working on the best dance / house song on this planet with my friend.

I'm very happy. Especially about my musical ventures and some relationships. But still on the other hand there's something that keeps me living the lower time same time with the high times. Meaning that as a contrast for the super stuff that's happening these times in my life there is also some minor things that remind me of the reality of living. Nothing is always so easy.

And hey, Antti Tuisku has a new song out! 80's! The music video is cool, the song is well produced but still it doesn't speak to me. Dull song for the first time.


  1. hahaha toi meiän seikkailu naurattaa vieläki, tollein ku lukee koko "tarinan" huomaa miten mönkään se reissu meni :'DD mut miten sun blogii voi seurata? :O
